
From the Art Spaces Online Directory: Talking with Western Front’s Caitlin Jones

Founded in 1973 as a live/work alternative space dedicated to “non-objective art practices,” including performance, poetry, video, dance, and all manner of interdisciplinary experimentation, the Western… Read more

by Lauren Cornell, Curator, 2015 Triennial, Digital Projects, and Museum as Hub
Art Spaces Directory
The Western Front

On Building Virtual Museums

In May, New Museum Deputy Director Karen Wong attended the American Alliance of Museums Annual Meeting in Baltimore. The five-day extravaganza of a conference brought together five thousand museum professionals… Read more

Antagonism and Failure

In the following text, artist and writer Victor Albarracín recounts the four-year lifespan of El Bodegón, an art space founded in Bogotá in 2005 by a group of art students and professors. The essay… Read more

by Victor Albarracín, artist, teacher, and cofounder of El Bodegón; Translated from Spanish by Manuel Kalmanovitz González, with an introduction by Ryan Inouye, Assistant Curator, Museum as Hub
El Bodegón
Museum as Hub
Art Spaces Directory
Center for Historical Reenactments

Museum as Hub: Reflections on the 2013 Conference by Natasha Marie Llorens

On April 12–13, 2013, the Museum as Hub hosted a conference to mark the sixth anniversary of the Hub initiative. The conference aimed, in part, to consider strategies for the next phase of the project,… Read more

Museum as Hub: Introducing de_sitio

In 2011, Amanda Echeverría, Catalina Lozano, and Daniela Pérez cofounded de_sitio, a nonprofit platform based in Mexico City committed to supporting the development of contemporary art projects. The… Read more

by Ryan Inouye, Curatorial Assistant, and de_sitio, Mexico City
Museum as Hub
Paloma Polo
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