Wednesday 01/08/20 3PM
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Tours · Exhibition-Related

New Perspectives Tour: Site Specific

Cover Image:

Hans Haacke, DER BEVÖLKERUNG [TO THE POPULATION], 2008. C-print on Alu-Dibond, 91 3/8 × 70 in (232 × 178 cm). © Hans Haacke / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York. Courtesy the artist and Paula Cooper Gallery, New York

Join us for a New Perspectives tour that explores site-specific works by Hans Haacke. Famously recognized for his work exploring institutional critique, Haacke examines the discrepancies and imbalances present in institutional practices through surveys, photographs, and monument building. Often commissioned to create these site-specific works, he responds by challenging museums, galleries, and governmental bodies to take stock of their processes and their effects on the communities they serve. For example, Gift Horse (2014)—a statue commissioned for London’s Fourth Plinth to be shown in Trafalgar Square—speaks to the conventions of sculptural form and armature as well as a transnational commitment to financial capital. Thinking together about works like this one, we will consider how Haacke fashions critique based on each site’s social and political context.

New Perspectives tours are led by a New Museum Teaching Fellow, an emerging scholar in art history or a related field. The topics of the tours are based on the Fellow’s ongoing research and change monthly, engaging participants in uniquely focused examinations of selected objects and installations. troizel d.l. carr, who will lead this tour, is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Performance Studies at New York University.

To read descriptions of current and upcoming New Perspectives tours, please view the calendar. New Perspectives tours are free with Museum admission. Please meet in the Lobby at the time of the tour.


This program is made possible, in part, by public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature, and from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.

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