

National Forum on Ethics and Archiving the Web, Day 3
The dramatic rise in the public’s use of the web and social media to document events presents tremendous… Read more
National Forum on Ethics and Archiving the Web, Day 2
The dramatic rise in the public’s use of the web and social media to document events presents tremendous… Read more
National Forum on Ethics and Archiving the Web, Day 1
The dramatic rise in the public’s use of the web and social media to document events presents tremendous… Read more
Digital Social Memory
Livestream for this event will be available at 2 p.m. -> With the in-house development of Webrecorder… Read more
Who Owns Digital Social Memory?
Watch the livestream for this event starting at 7 PM ⟶ Extensive new kinds of cultural archives have… Read more

Other Results

Rhizome FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT RHIZOME.ORG Rhizome is the leading art organization dedicated to born-digital… Read more

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